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I then proceeded to Greenville, to procure the affidavit of the freedwoman, relating to the murder of her husband (James Daniels), but upon arriving at that place I found she had left and gone to live with a Mr Stegall in Heard Co., near the place where her husband was murdered, that place being 50 or 60 miles away, I was obliged to return to La Grange, as I could procure no conveyance to take me there, - I have the honor however to submit, for your consideration, her statement taken down in writing by Rev. Mr Caldwell, of La Grange, soon after the murder occurred, which is herewith anexed, marked "C"

During my stay in Troup Co. I also investigated the statement of Rev Mr Caldwell, relative to the family of freedpeople, who were driven from the plantation where they were engaged, without pay for their services, - The wife (Mary Ferguson) of the freedman, States, they left through fear of this gang known as the "Black Cavalry" but since then her husband has returned, and is now engaged in securing his portion of the crop, and as she stated, they had always been well treated, and their employer had never refused to pay them, and as she appeared satisfied that he (the employer) intended