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La Grange Ga
Oct 17th 1866

Hon L H Featherston
Judge Superior Court
Heard Co Ga

I have the honor to inform you that I have been directed by Brt Maj Genl Davis Tillson, Asst Commss'r State of Ga to Enquire into & investigate the truth of certain charges relating to the murder of several freedmen in your Co, in which cases it is reported that the Civil Authorities have taken no steps to arrest the offenders or bring the guilty parties to justice.

The result of my investigation shows that on the night of Aug 25th 1866 a freedman named Jas Daniels who was working on a Mr Orr's place was brutally murdered by a gang of men designated as the "Black Cavalry"

Also that a negro woman named Mary Philpot living on David Philpots place was murdered on the night of Sept 1st/66 by this same gang.

Also that some months previous a freedman named Chauncey Wright living on Mr Wrights place near Franklin was also killed by this same party of outlaws.

It is reported that in none of these cases was a Coroners jury called, or any steps taken to ascertain who the murderers were. Will you please inform Major Genl Tillson what action (if any) was taken in these cases

Very respectfully
Your most obdt servt
(signed) Geo R Walbridge
Capt & AA Insp General