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satisfactorily explained. our complaints are now being listened to, our causes are being investigated, our grievances redressed, our rights respected, and our property secured; in short the Maj. is dealing justly and fairly with all parties who have any difficulties to be settled. For this change we feel most grateful, and would desire to return our humble and sincere thanks to you, for whatever you may have done as said to being about so helping a reformation.

In view of this greatly desired and long wished for change, and as Genl Scott positively asserts that the cases referred to have never come before him and he knew nothing of them, though we have been informed from a multiplicity of sources judged credible that afore mentioned wrongs and grievances were brought to his knowledge, and as the General has made a satisfactory explanation of his orders, and as we had [[strikethrough]] ve [[/strikethrough]] no ill will to him individually, but only desired to have our rights and privileges secured to us as loyal citizens of the government, and as the Gen'l. has sent an officer to the island who is amicably & fairly disposing of all proper cases coming before him. we are most happy to revoke the sentiment complained in the petition dated his continuance as long as he thus faithfully execute the duties of his office.

Again, by way of explanation we beg leave to inform