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Office Sup't R and. F.  P.G. Co
Bladensburg Md.
December. 3d 1866.

The within communication is respectfully returned with the following report.

At the time that this affair occurred I, was confined to my bed with intermittent fever. As soon as I was able, I investigated the case and found that on the evening of the 20th of Nov. George Wilson (colored) had been shot by George L. Briddle (white) at a corn husking near this place. -

The next day a jury of inquest was empannelled by the Magistrate, (Mr Wallis) and after an examination of the witnesses, they made the return that George Wilson came to his death, by a pistol ball fired from a pistol in the hands of George L. Briddle - The witnesses were required to furnish security for their appearance before the Grand Jury sitting at Marlboro -

The day following Briddle, went to Marlboro and delivered himself up to Officer Vowles, to await the action of the Grand Jury, who upon