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War Department,
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands,
Washington, November 30 1866.

Brevet Brigadier General C. H. Howard
Assistant Commissioner.
District of Columbia

In accordance with the resolution of the House of Representatives May 28. 1866 calling through the Secretary of war for certain information from this Bureau. I have the honor to submit the following report as far as it pertains to my duties in this District- First "Amount of funds received by Bureau. Refugees. Freedmen and abandoned Lands from its organization to the first of April 1866, from what sources the same was derived, and to what general purpose appropriated." is shown by accompanying statement
"The value of Quartermaster's property received prior to and amount remaining on hand on said first of April", amount received $82.185.77
Amount remaining on hand April 1st 1866 ... $37.028.06
"The value of the Crops raised on Government Farms in the year 1865 was $14.558 84/100 Fourteen thousand five hundred and fifty eight 86/100 dollars.
"The number of buildings occupied by said Bureau on the 1st day of September 1865" was (166) one hundred and sixty six.
"The amount of Rent claimed for all Lands and buildings previously occupied up to April 1st 1865 and the amount of rent claimed for all lands and