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Health Office, Philadelphia
SW Cor 6th & Sanson St
April 3rd 1866

Hon Edward M Stanton
Secy of War

I am advised that Lieut JW Hannay late of the 198th Penn Vols will make application to you for his appointment to a Lieutenancy in the Infantry service, United States Army, & I desire to add that in my judgement such appointment is no more than justice for faithful service rendered our country by Lieut Hannay in the late war.
He entered the US Service as 1st Lieut of Co O 198th P.V. on Aug 1864, having passed a very creditable examination before Gen Casey's Board prior to that time. He served with great ability & gallantry with his regiment until the Spring of 1865, when he was appointed Lieutenant in the 8th Regiment Heavy Artly US Colored Troops. He is a young man of good ability, fine education & strict sobriety.
His appointment will give great pleasure to your friends in Phila, & to none more than 
Yr obdt Servant
H.G. Sickel
Late Col 198th Pa. Vols & Bvt Brig Gen