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Burksville Ky
October 20th 1866
I beg leave to call your attention to the fact that I was appointed Supt BRF&AL for Cumberland Co Ky by virtue of the enclosed order of Maj Genl Fisk: I was relieved from that duty by order of Genl Davis Sept 20th, but did not receive the order relieving me until Sept 30th & therefore was engaged in the official duties of the office until relieved. (I herewith transmit the original receipt for Bureau property from my successor in confirmation of this statement.
On forwarding vouchers for payment of my salary up to the date of my being relieved, they were disapproved as per enclosed endorsement of the Asst Commr State of Ky
I respectfully request that payment may be ordered for my services up to the actual date of being relieved.
Yours &c
JP Haggard

Maj Genl O.O. Howard U.S.V.
Commissioner Bureau RF&AL
Washington, D.C.