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H 216

Nov. 4th, 1866

Major Gen O O Howard.

Dear Sir -

After making several ineffectual attempts to obtain a situation here in this city, circumstances compel me to ask a favor from you with the assurance that it will be granted if in your power to grant it.

Enclosed you will find a letter from the Colonel of our regiment, (106th P.V.). My trade being that of a machinist the nature of my wound has incapacitated me from ever working at the trade; and could your influence procure for me the position of Messenger, Watchman, or one of the many offices in the different departments at Washington, believe me, it is a favor which I shall ever gratefully remember.

Your Obedient Servant
Lieut Jno F. Hassett,
late 106th Reg't P.V.
3655 Ludlow St.
West Philada.