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Fayette Nov 8th 1866

Major Genl O O Howard

Dear Sir
As much pleasure to write you that I have at last succeded in geting up a school in this plase under the directtion of Mrs S E Forster a very accomplished and amiable lady of (Colored) and I find the citizens [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] much pleased with her indeed. I am under the impression that I could not have succeeded with any orther class of [[strikethrough]] Teach [[/strikethrough]] teachers except such as I now have on hand it was a long time as you prehaps know before I could get the consent of the [[strikethrough]] coll [[/strikethrough]] citizens and after succeding in geting permission I got som our best colord men togeather and held a meting, and appinted board of Trustees [[strikethrough]] ap [[/strikethrough]] I was apointed Presedent of sead Board I rent a house for school perpus at 10 dollars per month we Pay or Promis to Pay our Teacher 40 dollars per month and Board thinking I could make it off of the people but I find that thare is a great meny not able to send there children at all tho very anxious to do so, and its hard to deprive them of School som of the freedmen is not as well of today as the was the day of the surrender and all however is owing to the failier of the crops as meny of the

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