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(Near) Cincinnati, O, Decr. 7th 1866

Major Gen'l. O. O. Howard,
Commissioner &c. Freedmen's Bureau,
Washington City, D.C.

I trust you will pardon a stranger for the liberty I am using in asking your attention to a subject which seems to me one of great importance to the human race, and especially to the freedmen of our Country just now.  I will not trouble you with description because I know your time is precious; but I will briefly say - I am in possession of an art by which I can change men, women or children, even though ignorant of any alphabet, into writers, and consequently readers of the English Language - (or any human language, for the principle is of universal application,) in a few days or even hours.  I have done it repeatedly with persons of various ages from five to sixty four in less than 24 hours and I do so uniformly allowing for variation of ability.

This assumption may seem to you bold, but I 

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