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If anybody supposes that either the Freedmen's Bureau or the civil rights bill are sufficient to protect the negro from the brutal barbarism engendered by slavery, and still practised to a certain extent by the unhung rebels, let them read the following, which we copy from the advertising columns of a Maryland paper:
"Public Sale. - The undersigned will sell at the court house door, in the city of Annapolis, at 12 o'clock M, on Saturday, 8th December, 1866, a negro man named Richard Harris, for six months, convicted at the October term, 1866, of the Anne Arundel county circuit court for larceny and sentenced by the court to be sold as a slave. Terms of sale - cash.
William Bryan
Sheriff Anne Arundel County
December 3, 1866"

Washington D.C.
Dec 17th 66
Maj [[covered by article]] Howard
Commr. &c &c &c
Dear Sir:
I feel compelled to clip from the A.M's, "Chronicle," a notice of an advertisement taken from a Maryland news paper, proposing to sell Richd. Harris as a slave for 6 mos., who was convicted of Larceny at the Octr term of Anne Arundel Co Md. Court.
In the name of God & humanity, can you do nothing to defeat these infernal acts? Are you powerless in matters of this description?
If so, cannot you appeal to some power of Law beyond you?
I am, Sir
Yours for Hamanity
Geo. Helmick