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National "Freedman's Savings and Trust Company."
New York Nov 27/66

J. W. Alvord Sec

Dear Sir
J McKim of the Freedmans Union Commission has deposited with us $1072.83 subject to the order of Gen O O Howard
The object to which it is to be appropriated is to be approved by the F.S. & T.C. and will be communicated by Mr McKim to Gen Howard. Will you be so kind as to advise with Gen Howard for the Company as to the use to be made of this money. We will direct its payment at any of our branches, when requisition is made.
Yours try
M T Hewitt

Feby 8/67
P.S. Gen. Howards Dft on us will Paid at any time for the amt.  M.T.H. Prst.