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County of         

THAT WE, the undersigned Employer , part of the first part, and the undersigned Employees, parties of the second part, are held and firmly bound unto each other in the following CONTRACT, to begin ... 186 , and expire ... 186.

I. The part of the first part, for and in consideration of the stipulations of the parties of the second part, agree to furnish the parties of the second part, and each of them, full and substantial rations, sufficient fuel and quarters, and all needful medicine and medical attendance during the continuance of this contract; and to pay each of the parties of the second part, the amount set opposite the respective names per month; said amount to be paid in full on or before the expiration of this contract, or at the final disposal of the crop, if it should be disposed of prior to the expiration of this contract.

II. The parties of the second part, for and in consideration of the stipulations of the part of the first part, agree to render to the part of the first part, good and faithful service, to be performed under the direction of the employer, or that of ... agent, and not to be absent from the place of employment in working hours without permission, unless treated with cruelty. And the parties of the second part do each of them further agree to work twenty-six days *

for a month’s labor; and to forfeit to the part of the first part their pay and the value of their rations, for so much of their time as they fail to perform their part of this contract; provided such failure or loss of time shall be reported at the end of each month to the Agent or Superintendent of the Freedmen’s Bureau and be verified by him.

WITNESS our hand and seal this ... day of ...186

...} Employer ,
...} part of the
...} first part.

*Here the parties can fix the time to constitute a day's work.