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Decision of a Board of Examination convened at the Headquarters of the 2nd Brigade 3rd Division 25" Army Corps, September 27" 1865, by Special Order No. 58 Dated Headquarters 3rd Division 25th Army Corps Brazos Santiago, Texas. Septem. 25th 1865, pursuant to General Order No. 49 dated Headquarters 25th Army Corps July 27" 1865.


12th Regt. U.S. Colored Troops

[[3 Columned Table]]
|Name|Present Rank|   |
| --- | --- | --- |
|Alfred C. Markley | 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant. |Recommended for the ranks of 1st Lieutenant of Infantry US. Army|

James Givin
Lieut. Col. 27" U.S.C. Troops. (President)

Wm. H. Hart
Major 36" U.S.C. Troops

L.H. Stone
Captain 1st U.S. Colored Cavalry