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under bonds to keep the peace and for good behavior, as provided by law for the protection of all citizens whether white or black. -   I am at a loss to understand how the law can be supposed insufficient to protect when its protection has not only not been asked, but silently and by implication contemned. -  As an instance of the fair operation of law a white man was, last week in Koscuisko convicted of manslaughter upon a negro exclusively upon negro testimony."

(Signed) S.S. Calhoun
Dist Atty 5th Ind Dist.

I have the honor to be, 
Very respectfully
Your Obedt. Servant
(Signed)  J.F. Maury
Priv Sec.

To Maj Gen. T.J. Wood
Commdr Dist of Mississippi &c

Official Copy
A.W. Preston