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the comfort of a tent holder will in any wise be disturbed.

6th- No person will be allowed to wash at, in or contiguous to the Spring; nor will horse buckets or any unclean vessel be allowed to be used thereat.

7th- All offal shall be thrown at least 20 yards from the encampment.

8th- No person will be permitted to fix on or contiguous to this encampment, either tent, booth or wagons, or any other accommodation without the written consent of the chief manager, and all such will be held responsible for the orderly conduct of those who occupy such accommodation.

9th- No person will be permitted to sell, barter, give away or otherwise dispose of spiritous liquor, wine, porter, beer, cider or other fermented, mixed or other strong drink within two miles of this encampment (the limits prescribed by the laws of the State of Maryland) on any account; nor cake, bread, horse feed or any other article of traffic without the consent of the Chief manager.

10th- No person under the influence of liquor, or using profane, or improper language, or behaving disorderly in any way, will be permitted to remain