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Personally appeared before me this fourteenth day of September, 1866, Nimrod Evans, aged 19 years, by trade a Fireman, residing on Patapsco Farm, Baltimore County, Maryland, the property of Ross Winans, who being duly sworn, makes the following statement.

On the 30th of August, 1866, I was present at the Camp Meeting, in Shipley's Woods; went there about 7 o'cl. P.M. and remained all night; just before the riot commenced a witness and a young man named Bob Corsey, who lives on the Washington road, near Greenmount Chapel, were together, and went over to the colored people's camp, and heard some quarreling between some white men and negroes; but did not know either party; next saw a negro man knocked down and fall; and there was a rush towards witness, when he went in among the white people at the Altar; after witness got to the camp saw that there was a disposition to have a row; at the upper end of the circle saw a man speaking, who advised all to "prepare themselves and shoot the negroes down"; don't know who he was; did not recognize anybody who was shooting; about the time of the fight saw Robert M. Hood in the crowd, but afterwards saw him in his father's tent; don't know that he did any shooting; thinks it was Charles Dorsey

Transcription Notes:
Should Bob Corsey be Bob Dorsey?