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Personally appeared before me, this nineteenth day of September, 1866, Enos Henry Shipley, 21 years of age, by occupation a Farmer, residing on Disney's place, Anne Arundel Co., Md., who being duly sworn, makes the following statement:

I am a Constable of the 5th District, and as it was my duty, I went down to the Camp Ground, at Shipley's Woods, on Thursday, August 30. 1866; about 11 1/2 o'cl. P.M. I was standing at the fire about 5 minutes, when I noticed on the upper part of the Camp a scuffle; I saw men running, but can not tell whether white or black; the Negroes started after them with clubs in their hands, crying "Leave here you sons of bitches."

I went to the darkeys and told them not to make any disturbance, if it possibly could be avoided; that I myself would protect them, if I could, and keep away the whites; that they should go back to their meeting; they swore "be God damned" if they would not protect themselves; they turned around to their colored friends saying "go on with your meeting, we will protect you ourselfs", then I returned and went to the whites.

August Herrman, whose residence is about Anapolis railroad, was standing behind the pulpit of the white's Camp Ground, slightly intoxicated; he said he had been struck by a negro and would not go away. The squires, Mr. Warfield,