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on the fire, also William Engerhardt something of the shape of a cheese box or a bucket; witness can not tell exactly what it was on account of the darkness.

Witness did not see anybody having pistols, either white nor black, during the whole time.
(signed) George E. Shipley
Max Dent Coleman

Sworn and subscribed to before me this nineteenth day of September, 1866.

WW Bolinius
Capt. V.R.C. Inspector
Bureau of R.F.&A.L. for Md.

Mr. George Pocock, Postmaster & Storekeeper at ER Ridge Landing, stated to me that George Evans, of Ross Winans' Farm, made the remark to him, that he saw Charles Dorsey fire twelve shots at the negroes, on the evening of the 30 day of August 1866, at the Camp Meeting at Shipley Woods, after the riot had commenced.
Max Dent Coleman

AW Bolinius
Capt. V.R.A. & Inspector
Bureau of Refug. F.A.L.
for Md.

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