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G. Y. Warfield sworn

The first intimation that I had of any trouble at the Camp ground on the last night of the meeting, was near 12 o.clock. I had been moving about up to that time around the ground to see if things were quiet, which as far as I know was perfectly so, near 12. oclock. as I was passing around the Encampment, I was called on by a lady, Mrs George Hoover, who occupied the last tent on the circle & which was near the Preacher's Hand & I think about 40 yards from the tents of the colourd people this lady said there had been some trouble with the white and colourd people. that she was very much alarmed and requested me to try and disperse the white people that was then near her tent. I immeadiately went down where the white persons were. there I found, I suppose 25 or 30 white persons about 25 or 30 yards from the colourd people. I found other manager Mr. Wm. H. Downs there. also Mr. George Shipley, & others who were trying to quiet the white persons that were there & prevent the white people from going over where the colourd people were there was two white men, who seemed to be very much enraged, and said they had been struck by the negroes, some of the whites had clubs, about this time Rev George Leech came down and with others tried to quiet those men that had been struck during this time I looked over to where the colourd people were, and saw that there was great commotion among them, they were walking about on their own ground brandishing their clubs and we thought if we could reach between the whites and the colourd people all trouble would be avoided, and while Rev George Leech and others were trying to quiet the whites, I looked over where the colourd people were, and I saw [[strikethrough]] from [[/strikethrough]] a volley of what I supposed to be apples, cantalopes, stones or something of the kind thrown directly on the colourd people. they come from quite a different direction [[strikethrough]] direction [[/strikethrough]] from where we were standing, but I could not see who 

turn over

Transcription Notes:
Some letters/words on the right hand side of the page are cut off