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who threw them, as the bushes prevented me from
seeing the person who threw them but I dis-
tinctly seen the missiles falling on the colored
people and instantly there was a cry of Rally
+c, +c, which I supposed come from the colored
people and a rush towards the preachers start
I immediately retreated towards the circle of the
white people tent, the fireing of firearms
commenced immediately with the cry of rally +c,
+c, the fireing either commenced by the colored
people or those that threw the missiles. I do
not know how far the colored people advanced
towards the white people's circle, as I ran to my
tent to see after my family, and get them away
from the ground, as I could not tell to what
extent the trouble might go, there was great exci-
tement until morning. I never went where the burning
of the colored peoples' property were destroyed
until about sun rise then I found merely every-
thing destroyed but the tents.

George [[?]][[?]]


Sworn and subscribed to before one this twenty second
day of September 1866.

Bureau of R.F. [[?]].[[?]]  for [[?]]