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so that Assistance could not reach me. 
At this time the other managers of the Camp Meeting together with Mr Clev. Shipley, and one of the ministers were with me doing all in their power to allay the excitement When I looked on the East side of the meeting of the Colored persons and discovered another crowd of men nearby the Colored people I heard those men that were standing near me, in a loud manner swear they would shoot the colored people

Immediately I saw the crowd of white men on the East side standing I suppose about 20 yards from where I was standing, commence throwing clubs, stones, and fruit at the Colored people while they were in the act of praying. Immediately firing of pistols commenced. I do not know who commenced the firing, as there were both white and Colored persons standing upon the east side of the ground.

This occurred at about twelve o'clock at night. The white crowd