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will not be safe. Consequently I fear there will be no increase of Schools for the coming season, indeed, I greatly fear there will be a large falling off.

Labor.--- As heretofore the reports of employers of Freedmen are almost as various as the number of individuals making them. Some say their "hands" never worked better nor gave them less trouble; others, that they get along very well, but their laborers do less work than under the old system; still others say the only way to manage "niggers" is to whip them and make them know their place. I am sorry to say the latter class is much the most numerous as it includes nearly all the all those who were small slave owners.

The simple truth is that where men have a decent regard for justice and fair-dealing, and in fact is managing and dealing with laborers, there is no difficulty in preserving order or obtaining faithful labor. But unfortunately the opinion prevails with a very large majority of the white people, that the negro can only be made useful by keeping him degraded in-tellectually and morally to the level of a beast of burden; hence there seems