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some persons in the cars frowned when they saw me speaking to what they called a Yankee officer when will these people learn wisdom & what is it they wish?  I really do not think they know themselves I suppose you would like to hear something from the freedmen in N. Carolina pardon me Gen'l you may think me officious but I am afraid you do not get the true version of things always.  officially, I had no opportunity of seeing myself but my father told me that the freedman were in a sad condition that is some of them. Women & children when there were no husbands, & that he knew of one instance where an old man had really starved to death the white citizens would have assisted him had they known of his condition in time but when they learned the facts it was too late & my father says if there has ever been any supplies issued to them he has never heard of it he lives 4 miles in the country from Hillsboro Orange County S.C. and the people he spoke to me about were those who had belonged to the farmers in the neighborhood most of them haveing left their former homes he says they are very willing to work but it is hard to get employment. the crops were very short in that section this year I do not know who is the agent at Hillsboro or if he is a citizen.  we are getting along pretty well here the people like Lieut Mitchell I believe and I think the freedmen like him too & you must know