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Transcription: [00:06:32]
{SPEAKER name="Jefferson Pinder"}
I think that you can't, you can't not be influenced by hip-hop. You know, I can't say that that's all I listen to, that's all I'm interested in.

But I can tell you that - it speaks to my generation like no other music. I mean, we define this, we define this music source. And in some ways it's getting commercialized, it's changing.

But I think there's still some torch bearers, you know, who are really doing some interesting and innovative work and that's what I'm drawn to.

I'm drawn to the artists that are creating work that speaks more toward an experience than individual, selfish desires,
you know, it kind of speaks more toward identity, like my work,

and that's what I'm drawn to. I'm not an expert, I wish I was. I'm an artist. But I feel that this is our heart beat, this is the tempo, of our generation. And just as a doctor has to feel something out,

I feel like I had to put my finger on this pulse. I might not be intimate of all the actions that are going on, but I can feel the pulse.

And I use that, that pulse, and I use it almost formally. But for my work, it's coming from a point of view that aesthetically it's working so well with who we are as a people.

And you don't have to be a genius to figure that out, just turn on a TV set, go to a movie, listen to the music that's played, and you look at the billboards,

and ask kids, 7th, 8th graders what they're listening to and what they like. You know, and I think they like it because I think it's connected to something that's a little bit more real.

Transcription Notes:
This could use more time stamps. Try to aim for a maximum of two lines of text on the screen at any given time. Thanks! - Emily, TC team Took out several of the "Um"s and "You Know"s Corrected some spelling and added a few time stamps. Also fixed some incorrect transcription.