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Weldon N.C.
January 4th 1867
Major Genl Howard
Washington D.C.
I have the honor to make application to you for some position in the southern States I am a Loyal Union man borned and raised in Columbus Ohio belonged to the U.S Army in the past rebellion for information apply to Maj T.A. Fiske Raleigh or Lieut Jno M Foote Halifax Co N.C. and you can here from responsible men of our Union Army I have been engaged in teaching School for Col. Persons in this town but they failed to pay me anything whatever wich has brought me almost without money I am 19 years old and will except of any position you will give me as bureau agent or asst. Tax Assessor in this State of any other Hoping to meet with your favorable Answer
I Remain
Very Resp your obt Servant
Robert Dixon