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Office A. Com'r Bureau R.F. & A.L 
Savannah, Ga., Jan'y 22d 1867.

Respectfully returned to the Commissioner - The statement of Mr. Davis is undoubtedly founded in fact - In many instances, the freedmen are made the victims of prejudice entertained by the Jury, and the forms of Civil law are used as a means of oppression - It is very difficult, if not entirely impossible, to overcome or prevent this injustice, since the restoration of Civil law - It is respectfully suggested that the Ass't Com'r be authorized to employ a competent lawyer at the more important places in this State, whose duty it shall be to aid the freedmen in securing a full and impartial hearing before the Civil Courts - This will ameliorate the condition of the freedmen to some extent; but a radical cure for the evil can only be looked for in the happily increasing intelligence and disposition to do justice on the part of the people - the better portion of who sincerely deprecate the unfortunate condition of things complained of by Mr. Davis. 

Davis Tillson
Bt. Maj. Gen'l & Ass't Com'r. 

E. & M. 85, Vol. 2. 

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