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Bureau of Refugees, Freedman and Abandoned Lands,
Office A.S.A. Commissioner, Augusta, Ga.
Augusta, Ga., January 7th 1866

Personally appears Thomas Cobb Cold who after being duly sworn says that in the month of April, he resided in Lincoln County in this state, upon a Plantation of his father Henry Cobb, who resided as about a mile and a half from me.

On the evening of about the 20’ April at seven O,clock three white men came to his fathers house where they calld for my father, and requested him to go a short distance with them, he declined going, when they told him if he moved from where he then stood they would shoot him, when he ran into his lot and a shot at him, but did not hit him. They then went into his house doing much damages, taken with them all the mony they could find with many small articles of value. They left in threatening that they would call back and see him again. That, on some other night

D 10 R.F.&A.L. Vol 9 67.