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City Hall Jany 22nd 1866

Mr J L Engel, swore before me that Daniel Crawford had been in the habit & on several occasions had taken customers from his store he had ordered him out, & not again to interfere, on yesterday he interfered again & carried customers from his store, such conduct like quarreling on cursing on abusing another is well calculated to create a disturbance & fights, hence I concluded it disorderly conduct & violence of the 18th section of the general ordinance of the city, on the streets, on any where in town outside of a mans place of business. Such conduct, is allowed inside of a store, or a mans place of business, it is offensive among the disorderly, Daniel being a colonel man & of good character I only fee'ed him to present its proctor in future, & preserve the peace & order of the city

Mn Gildian Kieonr