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[[stamp]] CONGRESS [[/stamp]] Bureau of Refugees, freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Savannah, Ga., February 18th 1867.

Col C. C. Sibley
16th US. Inft & Asst Com'r
Savannah Ga

In compliance with orders from your office dated Feby 9th 1867, I proceeded to Augusta to investigate the complaint of Daniel Crawford (Cold) referred to within. - I find upon examination that Daniel Crawford was arrested Jany 21st 1867 at the complaint of J.L, Engel (a jew) who was angry at Daniel for soliciting customers and taking them to some other brother shop, than his to dispose of gold & silver. The transaction took place on the side walk in front of Engel's store none of the parties entering the business place of Mr Engel. - It does not appear that there were any riotous conduct or quarreling and Crawford that freedman) was not aware that he had violated any City Ordinance or other law of the City or States when arrainged, he asked his crime and they told him "Violation of the 18th section city ordinance City of Augusta" he was not acquainted with the

Transcription Notes:
stamp on the top left very unnoticeable; was only able to make out CONGRESS