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provisions of that Section & it was not until he was fined and discharged that he ascertained that the 18th Section referred to quarrelling- he say's he supposed it referred to trading, bartering &c - Mr Engel the Jew making the complaint did not swear that there was any quarrelling, but that the practice of Daniel in taking customers from his place of business to other places tended to create a disturbance. The Judge decided that it was a violation of the 18th Section & fined him one dollar, and One dollar & fifty-cents costs which was paid by Mr Apel as he states in his affidavit-
Mr. J. W. Apel re-asserts the facts set forth in his affidavit & swears positively that there was no quarrelling nor any riotous conduct or abusive language except that used by Mr. Engel's brother and if there was any violation of the 18th Section City ordinance of Augusta the brother of Mr. Engel was the violator. The Recorder in passing sentence stated that as Daniel was a boy of good character & he should only fine him one dollar & cash, to prevent this practice in future - as the only practice Daniel had been engaged in was procuring customers who wished to sell gold & silver to his friends, this fine must have been imposed for that practice, but I am at a loss to understand how the