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learned Recorder could convict him under the 18th Section for that offence. I am informed it is the constant daily practice of arresting freedmen & fining them for violating this 18th Section when there is the slightest excuse, but that white men who openly & defiantly, fight, quarrel & commit riotous acts are allowed to go free, as there is no one will make the necessary affidavit for their arrest As I was not ordered to take any action in this matter I merely collected the facts and herewith report them.
I then proceeded to make an investigation of the case of Edward Hartley referred to in his Affidavit enclosed. I was unable to gather any thing additional, as Edward Hartley (Col'd) had left the Country & moved to parts unknown, but I have frequently heard of cases similar to this one referred to by Hartley, and know of many instances where for trifling offences the negro has been forced away and posted throughout the county thus making it impossible to procure a livelihood in the neighborhood, & laying himself liable to be arrested and placed in the chain gang for vagrancy - If complaint is made against the parties through your Hd Qrs before any action can be had, the freedmen who are left without employment & without homes are obliged to leave the country & seek homes elsewhere to keep themselves from destitution