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Office Sub Asst Commissioner
Bu RF and A.L
Austin Travis Co Texas March 27. 1867

The Legislature of Texas, at its last session passed an act to levy upon every male person twenty one years of age and upwards, an annual capitaion tax of one dollar each, Chap 93 Genl Laws of the Eleventh Legislature. This act applies to freedmen and whites alike. It is well known that colored men are not allowed to vote in Texas or to practice law in the Courts or serve as jurors
The Sub Asst Commissioner in this District is not opposed to Negro Doctoring provided it is not applied to himself-
Dr John M. Donaldson is a freedman of unusual mind who pretends to practice as a physician in this place by means of charms, spells, witchcraft or something of that kind.
A Report of Capt Byron Porter Sub Asst Commissioner of Jany 24" 1867 upon a former communication of his to Hd Qrs Bu R.F and AL. I believe to be entirely correct. He is now in prison having been convicted of and attempt to kill his wife by shooting at her with a pistol

James Oakes
Col 6th Cav &
Bvt Brig Genl USA
Sub Asst Commissioner

they get it.

if this be true. he they have broke my betters. I No Time I get No Letters. they Say No Letters comes. but I Whites with hands full. When we pick men pick such as bows not his face to the Liquor glass. bill sold house Not card Table. calling their Southern friends to drink with them