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Office of Sub Asst Commissioner
Bureau R. F and A L
Austin Texas Jany 24th 1867

Respectfully returned, the writer of the enclosed document - John Simpson alias Dr. John Donaldson is a Freedman of Un Sound mind in my opinion 
He is a man of violent temper and has twice been brought before the Mayor of Austin and fined for brutally treating and abusing his wife He labors under the delusion that he is a great Doctor, and imagines that the Medical Faculty are very jealous of him, and accuses them of poisoning their colored patients &c. Whenever an Agent of the Bureau comes to Austin John immediately presents a batch of bills for Medical Attendance, which he asks the officer to collect for him. On his refusal (and every officer that has been here including myself has refused to collect them) he writes an incoherent rambling letter to the War Department Hd Qrs Bureau R F and A L or some other Dept in Washington complaining that the officer is not doing his duty; that he has sold himself to the Rebels &c Whenever a change of officers is made he immediately circulates a report that the officer has been relieved in account of his representation. As far as the condition of the Freedmen in this County is Concerned, I am certain that they are just as well off as well treated and are getting along just as well as in any county of the State
Signed Byron Porter
Sub Asst Comr Bu R. F and A L