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Freedmen's Hospital
Vicksburg Miss
December 4th 1866
I have the honor, herewith to transmit Statements of "Hospital Fund" for this Hospital from January 31st 1866 to November 30th 1866 inclusive, as per instructions of Bvt Major S.H. Horner, Asst Surg USA and Surg in chief Bur RF&AL Dist of Miss.
In explanation, why no "Hospital Fund" has been reported during said time, I would state, that by order of General Grant a Hospital for Freedmen was established here in the latter part of the summer of 1863. This rapidly assumed large dimensions, and was continued in operation till Oct. 1865, when it was closed for the purpose of restoring the building thus occupied to its claimant, without provision being made for its further continuance. This was known and recognized as "Freedmen's Hospital Vicksburg Miss." I was assigned to duty as Surgeon in charge April 1st 1865, and continued as such to its closing up. During this time we had been drawig the Army Ration, which gave us the means of keeping our Diet Table in good shape. Upon a subsequent settlement of accounts at the Commissary General's Office we were credited with the Freedmen's Ration, and charged with the difference between it and the Army Ration. This brought the Hospital in debt some $30,000 and instructions were received, that any surplus that might hereafter accumulate, would be applied on said indebtedness.
In January last a benevolent Gentleman picked up some of the destitute sick in different parts of the city, and gave the use of one of his out-houses for their occupancy. I was ordered to take charge of them, draw rations, and furnish them with medical attention. Gradually the number of these cases increased, and a building was assigned to our use as a Hospital. During the summer the number of patients increased largely, and from this nucleus we have, what is now known as the Freedmen's Hospital Vicksburg Miss." In consulting with the Depot Commissary in regard to making a Hospital