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Phila. 1st Mo 5th 67

Major Gen Howard
Freedmen's Bureau
Washington D.C.

The District Attorney (who has charge of the case against us for the 6 Bales cotton, returned by orders of Gen Fiske as belonging to the Bureau in a claim against Hughes & Speedy) informs us that we have not a particle of chance, of success, should the case come to trial, and that it will only incur further costs if continued, and we would therefore respectfully suggest that that you direct, either, ourselves (or the Dist. Atty.) to abandon the case, and hand over proceeds to the Plaintiffs. atty. Should any doubts exist as to the propriety of the above, pray write Mr Gilpin at once, and get the facts direct from him.

Very Respectfully Yrs
Randolph & Jenks