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detachment set forth and in pursuit- visiting a number of plantations- and following Mr. Berry as they could get rumors of his whereabouts- travelling Jany 1st and 2nd more than upwards sixty (60) miles. 

Jany 3rd we succeeded in arresting Mr Berry - and finding the children - near Friars Point in Coahoma County and returned to Rosedale Jany 4th 60 miles. 

The children were restored to the mother and in consideration of his extreme age 82 years- James Berry, the principle offender was allowed to give a bond for his good behavior, and his obedience to the laws of the United States - with two good securities - in the penal sum of two thousand ($2,000) dollars.

Mr. Berry, also his son J.R.E. Berry were required to take the oath of allegiance to the United States - and I informed them should they wish to disregard this oath under plea of having been in duress at the time of its acknowledgment, a severe penalty would infallibly follow its breach. For duplicate copies of the oath see enclosure. The Bond and the oaths are in file in this office.

I take pleasure in making favorable