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Concordia Landing
Bolivar County, Miss
Jany 28th 1867.

Maj Genl O. O. Howard,
Chief of the B.F.R. & A. L.


I write you for the purpose of obtaining some information and to let you know the condition of some portions of Mississippi in regard to Freedmen and their treatment. The circumstances of the case of which I wish to call your attention are as follows --

While residing in Coahoma County Miss a freedman in the employ of Bandy Graff and Co married a freedwoman with four children which formerly belonged to one. Mr Berry of this County. After said woman had fullfilled her Contract. her Husband went after Her and Her children. and said Berry would not give up the two oldest children and swore that He would Blow the brains out of any man that interfered with them. Stating that he had raised them and they belonged to him, and should keep them