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their mothers are paid fair wages, but as I have not wished to assume authority not clearly defined as belonging to me, I have not interfered with this arrangement. When applications are made by persons who wish to have orphans apprenticed to them, these women refuse to let their children go, for that purpose, consequently, there are but few orphans here. If it is my duty to apprentice orphans in cases where persons desire them bound to them, and who will provide them good houses &c, I would respectfully request that the proper blanks may be furnished for that purpose.

I am, Major,
Very Respectfully Your Obt Svt,
(Sgd) D. M. White
Lieut V.R.C. A.S.C.

A true copy furnished Lt Williams,
(Signed) D.M. White
Lieut V.R.C.   A.S.C.

