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Lauderdale Miss.
February 11th 1867.

Penniman H. H.
A.A. Surgeon.


States, that in view of the large am't of property in his charge, such as Stores, rations, buildings &c, that a force of fifty men should be stationed in the vicinity. That repeated & outrageous roberies and murders are frequently perpetrated by armed bands of desperadoes & the lives of officers of the Bureau, especially, are very insecure. Desires an officer sent with this force, in charge of the Post and property, who could be relied on, as the present A.S.C. is entirely unfit to fill his present place, being haughty tyrannical, unaccommodating, selfish, the enemy of the colored race, despising and hindering the Supt of the Orphan Asylum, & suggests that Capt Sunderland be placed in charge.

Head Quarters, Dist of Miss.
Bureau R.F.&A.L.
Office Surgeon in Chief.
Vicksburg Feby 15th 1867.

Respectfully forwarded to Bvt Major A. W. Preston, A.A.A. General for action.

(Sgd) S. H. Hornor
Asst Surg U.S.A Bvt Maj.
Surg in Chief.