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Henry McGraw, being duly sworn testifies as follows.

I have been acquainted with Abram Milsted since 1866, and by and with his consent I have lived with one of his daughters as husband and wife, About December 1865, or January 1866. Abram Milsted and family and George Milsted and family left the Ranch Zacatel in Hidalgo Co, for Sabine Pass, Texas, to purchase a home for his family, and requested me to go with him. I assisted in gathering and disposing a portion of his stock, for that purpose, I went down with him to Brownsville, where he was taken sick,. He sent me back to the Ranch to get a load of corn and bring it to Brownsville which I did subsequently I came back home, furthermore I know that Amry Milsted had the privilige of taking in travelers and all money derived therefrom was allowed her for her own use. And that Abram Milsted had given to his Ellic, (Colored) cattle and horses, and that Ellic had sold those cattle and horses on their departure for Sabine Pass and had received for them fifty-five or sixty Dollars

Transcription Notes:
Milsted verified from previous letters as correct spelling.