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representing what is know as the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and abandoned lands, in and for the State of Texas, the sum of three Hundred and fifty-six dollars in coin, belonging to the Estate of the said deceased father.

Petitioner respectfully represents, that he has filed his oath and given Bond as required by law in the Probate Court of the County of Cameron aforesaid, conditioned that that he shall well and truly discharge and perform all the duties of his said office of Administrator, and that he cannot, without disregarding the obligations of his said oath and bond, comply with the demands of the said Kiddoo and his agents or assistants, except upon an order to that effect issued by the Honorable Probate Court of the County of Cameron in the manner and form prescribed by law. 

Petitioner further respectfully represents, that the claim on which he is detained has no foundation in law or equity, and that if the said claim is just and equitable the Probate Court of Cameron County,