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wherefrom letters of Administration on the Estate of his deceased father were issued to your petitioner, is the proper tribunal before which the said claim should be argued.

Wherefore petitioner prays that the said writ of Habeas Corpus be issued in his behalf, to the end that he be restored to liberty: and for such further and general reliefe as petitioner may in law and Equity be entitled to. 

(Sd) Frank E. McManus
Att'y for Petitioner

State of Texas }
Cameron County }
Personally appeared before me, the undersigned authority, Frank E. McManus, who being by me duly sworn, according to law, on his oath, doth depose and declare, that the allegations of the foregoing petition are true according to his belief
(Sd) Frank E. McManus

Sworn to and Subscribed }
before me this 15th }
day of Feb'y AD. 1867 }
(Sd) Israel Bonaparte Bigelow
Judge of the Count Court of Cameron County, Texas.