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Bureau affairs, familiarity with Bureau Records, clerical talent and temperate habits are very important.  The present incumbent Mr. Willoughby Nicholas has been employed as Clerk here since Feb 1865.  He claims to have deserted the Rebel service on account of his Union sentiments and was, as it appears, on that account deemed worthy of a position as Clerk in the Bureau, which so far as I can learn, he has, up to the present time, filled to the benefit of the service and to his own credit.  The only complaints made to me against him have been made by those who were directly or indirectly interested in obtaining the clerkship which he holds.  A change of clerks at the present time when the officers of the Bureau have the additional labor of registration upon their hands would be particularly embarrassing.  As a clerk Mr. Nicholas has few superiors.  I am of the opinion that his discharge,