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In order to promote the cause of Christ we the undersigned do voluntarily unite ourselves together to establish & maintain an institution of learning under the following articles of agreement:

Article I. This Institution shall be called Berea College

" II. This College shall be under the care of a board of trustees who shall receive and hold in trust all lands, legacies, moneys, & other property committed to them for said Institution & and exercise their trust in the use and disposal of the same in such manner as shalt in their Judgment promote the highest interest of said College.

" III. The board of Trustees shall elect a president, vice president & Secretary of said board from their own member.

"IV. It shall be the duty of the board of Trustees to appoint the President and Teachers of the College, also a Secretary & Treasurer of the same, fix their salaries, prescribe their courses of study, confer degrees, receive and disburse monies, make contracts and enforce the same.  Accounts appoint examiners & transact all other necessary business for the interests of the Institution.

Art V. The board of Trustees may make such By Laws, as it may deem necessary to promote the interest of the Institution.

Art VI. The persons signing these articles of agreement shall constitute its original board of Trustees & new members may be added to said board or vacancies therein filled by the addition of such persons as shall be elected members thereof by the board.

Art VII. In case of the dissolution of this Institution all its funds real estate and property shall be given to the American Missionary association of New York City to be applied under the direction of the executive Com