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is arranged as it used to be, there should be about a week's break in June before summer session opens.
 Must hurry on to a close because Florence is to mail this in Charleston when she goes to NAACP meeting this afternoon. Phi Sigma Chapter has charge this afternoon and Alpha Delta Chapter has its Founder's Day in chapel tonite.
 All goes well on this end. I paid the man for your magazines yesterday. Will try to squeeze out some pennies for you after we get paid next week.
 I've not seen Cladys since the accident. Understand the photo was made by Birkett of the Yellow Jacket Staff. Will try to get one.
 The Board of Control has released $50,000 for re-modelling the "A" Bldg. Sure hope they do something to and for the auditorium and stage.
 Joe Grider just called to remind me that he is to take a group to a concert this afternoon so I will have to leave now and get the car ready - **@@!!!
 Keep sweet my love, take care of yourself, and keep thinking of the one who loves you dearly and longs for your return. Kiss mom for me.

Your loving husband,