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Stopped by to see Cheryl after church yesterday. She plans to go back to school tommorrow.

I'm a "beat up" character. When putting the bread away after dinner this evening, I shut the drawer on my little finger (right hand) and "burst it open at the base of the nail; then while wiping off the stove, I picked up a hot grid off one of the front burners. Forgot that I'd just turned out the fire. I wont repeat what I said. All happened within three minutes. There I was with a finger throbbing, hand burning (same hand), blood oozing, and tooth acting up. Got to feeling so disgusted with it all that I had to laugh to myself. I even "cussed" you a little for not being here. (Smile) I'd have been dressing for the game instead of cleaning the kitchen. The finger is awfully sore and getting stiff. You'd best come on here before I destroy myself or become such a wreck that you'll have an invalid to care for.

Must close now. Hope everything goes well with you. Dont get too chummy with those Tay-geens (sp?). From your description of their activities I dont think much of the crowd. Did not say much when you were here, but have not ceased to think about the things you told me. A married woman away from her husband is a "favorite target" for many men---especially at gatherings where she is imbibing. Too, I've known you to become highly amorous after only one drink. I'd not expect Sister, Cliff, not anyone else to caution you, nor to see that you went straight home. It is not that I dont trust you. It is simply that I have seen too much happen as a result of a few drinks and a gay evening. I know we both must constantly fight temptation. Alcohol is a prime weakener, so be very careful. Should I ever learn of any "little escapade", I know that I'd never be able to "stomach" it; I'd never be the same. I love you dearly and have tried to show that love by attempting to make a lovely home for you and by being what you want in a husband. True I've not been 100%---else you'd be here instead of in Balto. Again I repeat that we should be together. Our future should be measured in more than financial income. It is a pity that though my income is far from being meager, it is still insufficient for me to support a wife. I am constantly referred to as one who can do countless things; yet the thing I'd like most to do escapes me (make a home); though I have more now than ever before, that for which I've really wanted is denied me (a family); though I've given my life to making others happy, my own happiness is sacrificed on the altar of high finance. Oh hell, let me quit. I'm beginning to sound morbid, even to myself. Bye, bye for now baby. Keep on loving me, even as I love you. Write soon.  Your letters became too infrequent just before Christmas. You claimed you were quite busy but I noted in your conversation from time to time that you seemed to have seen quite a few movies and otherwise kept up with a few social activities. I dont want you to pass up everything; on the other hand, I'd like to feel that after your schoolwork, I come first. It takes less time to write a letter than it does to see a movie. Do I make myself clear? O.K. S&S are doing o.k. Their wounds (Sandy has one on his head too) are healing alright. Regards to all.

Your loving husband,
Charles Robt