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"As good and as patient as ever!" O, how 
he has glorified God in the fiery furnace 
of affliction! There are many uncrowned 
heroes, and he is surely, one. It is no 
easy thing to bear pain and confine-
ment; to forego one's dearest aspira-
tions, and most cherished wishes, -
and who that is young is without
these? So many sick people are a
vexation and a trial to those who
have to care for them. They fill the
air with complaints and reprisings
and it is no comfort or pleasure
to be long near them. But ah!
this one, shall be sorely missed, when
we think and say "How kind he
was!" And dear and precious will
be the remembrance of him when
he is "Safe at home, at home with
Jesus!" Who can estimate the value
of a disciple's work for the Master,
with whom one day is as a thousand