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Give my dear love to your mother. May God's sustaining grace be with her and with you all in this trying hour. "Whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth." Hear Him say: "Fear thou not, for I am with thee; be not dismayed, I am thy God. I will strengthen thee, yea I will help thee; yea I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness."

To-day, outside, has been very inclement. I thought of our boy, and said to myself, "No storms can touch him now; for in Heaven shall be neither pain nor death. Safe in the arms of Jesus, he rests secure" from all alarms." He is now in the great "cloud of witnesses," waiting to welcome friends and kinsfolk when the warfare of life is over and the cross is laid down for the crown. O may we be enabled to run with patience the race that is set before us; looking unto Jesus, the Author and finisher of our faith!" "God be with you till we meet again." Love to you all from us all. Write soon to your loving and sympathizing friend

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