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your desire for him may be realized.

I think so often of that lovely sermon Mr. Ryder preached the Easter we were in Baltimore. I wish could hear him this time.

I hope your Kindergarten will be a glorious success. Such a movement among our people everywhere would go far toward working out the salvation of the race.

How is Estelle? We would be glad to see her too.

Do you know, I cannot fancy what it will be like to come to your home and not to see Carroll. What a dreadful thing it will be to miss from Heaven any who are dear to us on earth!

I think of you continually and pray for you too. That you may be cheered, comforted, helped, consoled. The shadow of the cross is darkest about you Ida, and I know it. When one is absolutely necessary to the comfort of another, the cords of sympathy and love are the more